Publications and Resources

Sharing Knowledge, Enhancing Communication


As the project progresses, we will add publications contributed to and funded by the project to this page.


Here you will find conferences presentation and communication material.

  • Medicanes: Bridging the Gap Between Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones in the Mediterranean
    Tropicana programme, 3-28 June 2024, Paris Orsay

  • Modelling Mediterranean cyclones across scales
    Tropicana programme, 3-28 June 2024, Paris Orsay

  • The marine and coastal hazards of Mediterranean cyclones
    Liege Colloquium on Ocean Extremes, 27-31 May 2024, Liege

  • FutureMed: A transdisciplinary network to bridge climate science and impacts on society
    Mediterranean Green Week, 14-16 May 2024, Istanbul

  • For “derechos” to “medicanes”: climate change and severe convective events in the Mediterranean
    Environment, Climate and Earth Sciences (ECES2024), 9-10 May 2024, Tirana